Tuesday, April 28, 2015

#TipsTuesday - Is that your Pterygium or Are You Happy to See Me?

Are you applying your Jams and still experiencing  BUBBLES?? or WRINKLES?? Lifting? Are you still having trouble with application?!?!  Have no fear.......or at least less fear......

In another installment of #TipsTuesday here is another tip to handle the further adventures of LIFTING & BUBBLING!! 

What?? Invisible cuticle and what's this Pterygium you speak of?? Ok.....everyone has invisible cuticle.....really....everyone!! But some is thicker and needs a gentle nudge to go away and Pterygium is the scar tissue that can build up and/or damage that may occur at the base of your nailbed from an injury...this is more common than you might think and you might not even notice...you can remove it easily with Jamberry's new cuticle remover pen and/or with my absolute favorite all purpose nail tool.....the CUTICLE SPOON......the BEST $10 you will ever spend...it will be so helpful to your applications that you won't know how you've lived without it for so long!!

Because of it's double ends, one can scrape away the edges of the dead cuticle and the "spoon" end can be used to push the cuticle back while simultaneously scraping back the invisible cuticle AND because it's metal, can be heated  to help SMOOTH down your jams.....whaaaaaaaaaat??? I also use the outside of the rounded spoon end to add warm pressure on the bottom edges of my jams close to my cuticle......And until my most favorite day in which we can offer a Jam cuticle spoon, you can get a fabulous quality cuticle spoon from Sally's or Ulta.  And I DO recommend you go for the quality of a good one, the heavier grade will hold the heat and be sharper and more effective.

Also, if you are putting Jams on your littles.....having a cuticle spoon is a MUST!! It is a safe, non-toxic way to remove cuticle overgrowth that kids always  have...it's a sign they are super healthy!! 

I hope this helps your application.  And if you don't have a personal Jamberry Consultant, feel free to contact me.  You can connect with me right on my Jamberry site!!

Have a Jamazing Day and as always #mindthegap 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

#TIPSTUESDAY - Let's Sit and Have a Spot of Tea

Are you applying your Jams and the next morning BUBBLES?? or WRINKLES?? Lifting? Are you having trouble with application?!?!

In another installment of #TipsTuesday here is another tip to handle the further adventures of LIFTING & BUBBLING!!

That's right......

plain ole' black tea you get at your grocery store and a little swirl of Dawn.....let the tea steep until it's dark....and cool then soak for approximately 2 mins.  I put mine in a bowl big enough to put both hands.....just make sure to have some paper towels or an old hand towel so while you are doing your application you can keep wiping your nails WITH the tea solution as you go along.....you won't BELIEVE the difference!!

I hope this helps your application.  And if you don't have a personal Jamberry Consultant, feel free to contact me.  You can connect with me right on my Jamberry site!!

Have a Jamazing Day and as always #mindthegap 

Saturday, April 18, 2015

UGH!! ANOTHER Group......When Did I Get Added to THIS One???

I know.....I know...it's it annoying being added to groups without permission.  Especially if you are like me and you have 25 "Lash" friends alone!  And there's been a LOT of vitriol on the internet about direct sales and the Facebook parties and groups that are using social media to share products effectively.

If you are friends with me on Facebook you know that I'm very clear about my dislike for being added without permission to a group.  What you may not  know is WHY I am not a fan of this tactic.

If I am in a group, any group on Facebook it's because either it's a group of friends gathering to talk about a common interest, business or a team group.

Having a group to share products with your customers is a great idea!! A great way to share products and get to know customers better and even have hosts maybe join your team.  Some people even use the group set up to have Facebook parties.  There are pros and cons to groups vs. events.....that's another blog but......

Let's think about a scenario.......you get a postcard in the mail that you are invited to Glenda's Tupbrascentpampberry party in two weeks.  It falls on the same night that your Husband will be away on a business trip so you know you'll need to be home with the twins and they go down to sleep at 7pm now that school is in session. Soyou call Glenda and you tell her you are so grateful to be invited to her Tupbrascentpampberry party and you'd love to see a catalog but you won't be able to make. Before you hang up, you chitchat about your kids and Glenda tells you she'll try and get by your mailbox in the next week to drop off a catalog for you to look at.

Two weeks pass and your kids are in bed, allegedly sleeping, the dog is curled up next to you and the house is that delicious quiet that comes when all the chores that HAVE to be done are finished and you have a window in which to binge watch a couple of episodes of Grey's Scandalous Revenge on your DVR.  Suddenly your front door bursts open, and 12 people and a bags of Tupbrascentpampberry products suddenly spill into your living room and Fluffy is barking like a maniac and now the kids are up and they want to come downstairs and find out what all the commotion is.  Because.....the Tupbrascentpampberry party you couldn't go to has suddenly appeared in your living room....even though you didn't invite any of them and you have all these people in your house and you aren't even the host!

That's what happens when someone puts your Facebook "name" in a party "group" on Facebook.  The Party APPEARS in your newsfeed without you even RSVP'ing to the party.

So how can you prevent someone from feeling this way if you prefer to have group "parties" of your Tupbrascentpampberry  products rather than events?  Hostess Coaching. And some ingenuity.  If you and your Hostess get together and make a dream party list and pick a date and she is very excited about getting all those free weenkles that Tupbrascentpampberry gives as a host reward...now is a perfect time to talk about getting those people IN that group without angering them and getting them excited about the party.

There are several techniques but they ALL come down to one thing.... PERSONAL INVITES!  However you get there that's the key.   You can set up an event to get people excited about the Tupbrascentpampberry products and have all the "Going" invitees get added to your group as they have chosen to come to the party....and you can post an "E-vite" to the party group on your Host's page and anyone who comments can be added. You can have your host send out invites to each guest as well and those who wish to come are included in the group.  Make sure your host keeps her invites to under 50 people.  And they should be people she cares enough about to include.....

What does this do? It tells your "guests" they matter.  That their time is important and that you as a professional value THEM enough to include them in the choice to be in your group.

Once folks become a "loyal" customer/host/team member, consider asking them to join your VIP group.  There is where you can share specials and new products and products that might be retiring.

Being part of any business that is successful long term has to include personal connections.  Make them personal.  Connect with your audience and when your groups begin to grow with people who CHOOSE to be there your business will grow too..especially if you are with a company that tends to have what I call "pop up" merchandise. Suddenly seasonal items that are not in the catalog but appear for a short time, Easter products or Thanksgiving products or even a charitable product.  These kinds of things are great for keeping customers interested, something my company is brilliant at including for us, a constant stream each month of new products or temporary products, that customers who love my company can't wait to see.

So, Hostess Coach and use personal connections when using groups and we can all get back to what's really important.  Polyvore collages.  ((That's a post for another day....we'll get there...))

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

#TIPSTUESDAY - Keep Calm and Mind The Gap

Are you having trouble with application?!?! Have you had issues with lifting, bubbling, fraying ends, or just a frustrating experience??  Have you had trouble with getting your Jamberry Nails to stay on at all?? Or had brittle nails AFTER you took off your jams??

I love to help with any issues folks are having so I am starting a new #TipsTuesday in which I will share tips on application and removal to make your experience with Jamberry the best it can be.

Oh and some fun tips too!!

So.....for our first #TipTuesday LIFTING & BUBBLING!!

As always I  encourage folks to reach out to their consultant for application issues.  If you  still need help or you need a personal Consultant, I would be happy to help.   You can connect with me right on Facebook "Becki Pastor" or on my webpage!!  http://beckipastor.jamberrynails.net/profile/

So just like the London Underground:


It's honestly ok to see a little nail sliver around your jams....it's not visible to anyone else!!! So go forth and Jam and #MindTheGap

And have a Jamazing day!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

It's almost tax day!! Which means it's also almost mid-April so I have to ask.....what are you waiting for??!?

Now is a great time to join Jamberry and you can qualify for some pretty neat incentives!  And extra points towards a free trip to MAUI?? WHAT?? yes!!

Oh and since it's almost April 15th I don't want to forget ..these bad boys are all going to be retired ...>FOREVER < so if you like Easter/Valentines/St. Patrick's Day designs....order now.....

and if you want free shipping, contact me...becki.pastor1963@gmail.com or on my site you can contact me as well....


Ok go back to enjoying this gorgeous day!!

And when you are ready to get jams on those hands of yours...let's chat...